Saturday, November 04, 2023

Weekend Cooking: What I Baked (In My Kitchen) in October

The first Saturday of the month is when I share all the things that I baked in the previous month. However, we were away for 3 weeks during October, only arriving home this morning, so there wasn't a lot of baking done!

Before we went away I did make one recipe for a family dinner and that was a Burnt Basque Cheesecake. I have used a different recipe previously and liked it, but this time I tried the recipe from RecipeTin Eats. I do like making this version of cheesecake. It's meant to be dark in colour and have cracks....very forgiving!!

We did quite a few foodie related things while we were on holidays. Last week I posted about what we ate in Hawaii and I will do another couple of posts soon too, but I thought I would share a couple of kitcheny type things we acquired while we were away and share with In My Kitchen hosted at Sherry's Pickings

While we were in Vancouver we visited the Granville Island markets which was a great experience. There were so many interesting things that we saw there. We bought some macarons which were delicious but these things made it home with us! We bought four different flavours of Bubble Bombs. They are delicious little bubbles of flavour. They are vegan jelly spheres that are filled with intense flavour. The idea is that you can put them into a cocktail and the flavours infuse into it. Or you can use them on desserts, which is how I think I will use them. I am sure that you must be able to buy something similar here but I've never seen them, and the ones we tried were delicious! The flavours we bought were Passionfruit, Peach, Kiwi and Strawberry Advocaat. I think we thought we were just buying Strawberry but I am sure the alcoholic one will be nice too!

We bought this giant mug for my husband from a candy shop in San Francisco as it made him laugh out loud!

The last couple of times we have been to America we have met up with a group of my friends who I met in an online author forum. The first time we met up with them was in Tuscon, and then again in New Orleans.  This time we met up in a city called Bellingham in the Pacific NW. We always have a great time together. Ever since the first meet up my husband has been called the Cream Whipperer because he impressed everyone by whipping some cream by hand. This time, he was formally inducted to be part of the girl's group for the weekend and the ceremony included him being blessed with this whisk.

One of the ways that life has changed since I first started travelling overseas is that you can shop online and get things delivered even while you are away which is what I did with these wo cookbooks. We also were inspired by a bedside table lamp that we saw in an Air B'n'B which incorporated USB chargers into the lamp so they were waiting when we got home too!

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Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page


  1. Sounds like a great trip! We stayed in Bellingham for a week, lovely area.
    We did the same thing, ordering stuff when we were away last week!

  2. We were only there for a few days but it was good. We went up to Mt Baker and got to see snow which was exciting for me!

  3. ooh i really want to visit canada one of these days. you can certainly buy flavoured 'pearls' here, online at Peninsula Larder. thanks for joining in this month. have a great november.

  4. How good is Granville Market? We went there when we were in Vancouver. Your cheesecake looks amazing and I love Recipe Tin Eats so I'll definitely be checking out the recipe. By the way, have you got her recipe book? It's fabulous!

  5. I just checked out that basque cheesecake recipe and it looks AMAZING! I love Recipetineats too, her recipes are so reliable

  6. I loved the Granville Island market, it was there years ago so I am happy it is still going. I have that same cookbook and will check out the cheesecake recipe. There are lots of winners in there. Welcome home.

  7. I love the Basque cheesecake, but even though I love Nagis recipes I make a slightly different one that my friend makes as well. I might try hers. One day I will visit Canada, sounds amazing. enjoy November. Those lamps sound good too.

  8. I have a similar whisk and love it. It's great for fluffy eggs. Intrigued about those Bubble Bombs!
