Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sunday Salon: Historical Fiction Reading Challenge - April statistics


For the last couple of years I have been sharing statistics each month for the Historical challenge, and my plan is to continue to do this again this year. I find it interesting to see what are the books that people are reading and reviewing! I think I have visited almost all the reviews submitted and have added a couple of books to never ending TBR list

In terms of the books, there were 47 reviews linked up for the challenge, shared by 18 participants. This is less than for the same month last year and previous months but I am sure we will catch up! There were 46 individual titles reviewed, written by 44 different authors. There were 3 reviewers who reviewed more than 5 books each. Thank you to everyone who shared their links whether it be 8 or just 1.

So which book was reviewed more than once in April? It was actually the first two links that were added and the book was A Noble Scheme by Roseanna M. White. This is the second book in her The Impostors series.

A Noble Scheme was reviewed at Laura's Reviews and also at Stray Thoughts.

There were two other authors who were review more than once this month. The first was perenial favourite Agatha Christie and the other was Verity Bright. Every time I see one of the covers for a Verity Bright book I can't help but think how good they look!

I am sharing this post with Sunday Salon hosted at Readerbuzz.


  1. I'm glad to see that so many people are enjoying the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge. I hope to do more historical fiction reading this year. I'm watching your updates each month to see if there is a book that piques my interest.

    1. There were a few that I added to my list this month!

  2. I haven't heard about this reading challenge. I will have to look for it next year. I seem to enjoy historical fiction just about more than any other genre. Thanks for the update.

    1. You are welcome to join whenever you like Anne!

  3. That book cover makes me curious about the series.

  4. Roseanna White always has pretty covers! Good luck with the challenges. I can never keep up on them so I don't usually join. Sigh.

    1. I have a couple of challenges where I have that issue Lisa!

  5. I'm not usually an historical fiction reader, but lately I've been seeing a few titles that interest me. I'm going to give them a try.

  6. I've been reading more historical fiction than usual this year. I think June will be a slower month for me, but we will see what happens.

  7. I haven't heard of this challenge, but sounds fun! I also read and enjoyed A Noble Scheme by Roseanna White! My first experience reading her. The cover is beautiful!
