Saturday, May 11, 2024

Weekend Cooking: Around the World

A few weeks ago, I reviewed Meliz's Kitchen by Meliz Berg and I mentioned I really like books that talk about specific places and cultures. I love reading the introductions where they talk about going fishing with their grandfather, or cooking with their favourite auntie or whatever the story is. So today I thought I would talk a little about some of those books that I have in my cookbook collection.

Now, not all of them are written by people who come from the country or region, but the ones that aren't are written by people who have grown to love that particular culture.

The Food of Spain by Claudia Roden - I have had this book on my shelves for years, and I am not sure I have ever cooked anything from it, but I do distinctly remember looking through this and loving it! Time to take a stroll through the pages and the regions of Spain!

NorteƱa by Karla Zazueta - This is my latest addition, and features the cuisine of Northern Mexico. I find it interesting that this is so specifically about just the north, but I guess that Mexico is a big country with lots of different specialities across the country.

Trullo by Tim Siadatan - This is an Italian cookbook, and I must confess that I haven't spent a lot of time in the pages of this one!

Yiayia: Time Perfected Recipes from Greek Grandmothers by Anastasia Miari - So many delicious sounding dishes in this one. I was surprised though that there are not recipes for Moussaka or Pasticcio in this book! I will keep on the search for the perfect recipe.

Rice Table: Korean Recipes and Stories to Feed the Soul by Su Scott - Moving away from Europe temporarily, this is obviously Korean food. We have made a few things out of this including Kimchi fried rice, and some really delicious roasted baby potatoes. I must make them again!

The Italian Pantry by Theo Randall - This  book contains one of our favourite meatball recipes. We made it again this week and it is so good.

Meliz's Kitchen by Meliz Berg - Somehow I managed to not include this book in the photo even though this is where my pondering started today. Never mind. This book is all Turkish-Cypriot recipes and we have cooked quite a few things from this book.

Do you have a favourite cookbook about other parts of the world?

Weekly meals

Saturday - Chorizo and Potato Soup Stew
Sunday -
Monday -
Tuesday - Out for dinner
Wednesday - Butter chicken
Thursday - Baked Ratatouille and Beans
Friday - Out for dinner

You might notice that I have a new button for Weekend Cooking. I actually have a couple of different versions which is nice! I really like them. I did however want to give Melynda from Scratch Made Food who made the button that I was using for a few years. Thanks again!

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page


  1. I downsized my cookbooks when we moved but it is back to filling a shelf in the kitchen. I love flipping through the books and tagging recipes. I will admit to Googling recipes more often than using my books. I do have three Jamie Oliver books, and opened one this week after watching and enjoying Jamie on MasterChef Australia this week. No spoilers, please, as I am running a few weeks behind!

    1. It was a great start to Masterchef with Jamie!! Are you liking the new judges??

  2. I wish our library here had a better collection of cookbooks, as I love reading them, but have limited space. Love the way the blog looks, by the way!

    1. Thank you! I am pretty happy with it! There is probably one thing I would change but I am getting used to it!
