Saturday, February 19, 2011

Weekend Cooking: Anatomy of a Cocktail Party

One of my friends got married last week. A couple of weeks ago we went to the official hens night which was an okay night, but for her last weekend of freedom the week before her wedding we had a cocktail party. Originally it was going to be in her honour with a few of her friends we don't normally hang out with, but in the end it was more just our group of friends getting together for drinks! It was a lot of fun, and for the most part everyone had a good time, but there was at least one very sore head in the morning! I am going to say that was because they were drinking cosmos but I don't have a lot to back that up.

We forgot to take the cameras out until a bit late, and then there are some photos that most likely won't be seeing the light of day for a while now! Or maybe they will show up on Facebook some time soon depending on how mean I am feeling!

In order to limit the cost we agreed to only buy a few bottles and then have cocktails that used those agreements. Here were the main drinks:


Butterscotch Schnapps
Bailey's Irish Cream

Pour Schnapps into the shot glass, and then float the Baileys on top. You can usually achieve this by pouring the Baileys over the back of a teaspoon into the glass.

White Russian

1.5 oz Vodka
0.75 oz Kahlua

A lot of recipes say to use cream but we were using milk. Serve with lots of ice in a tumbler.


Bailey's Irish Cream

Put plenty of ice into a glass and then mix together equal parts vodka, Kahlua and Irish Cream and pour over the ice.

We were also drinking champagne, beer and something else but goodness only knows what exactly it was! Something that a couple of the girls had a lot of one time they went away! There was actually lots more food than just fruit, but that was all away before I got the camera out. The fruit was nice for breakfast though.

Don't ask me what the foot thing was about. Apparently that is something that just had to be done!

And the soundtrack that had us dancing around the lounge room, and for some of us jumping up and down on the couch:

OH, and some Prince, but it hard to get his music on Youtube, so I will just have to let you know that the most raucous singalong was to Raspberry Beret! Love that song.

Weekend Cooking is hosted by Beth Fish Reads and is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, fabulous quotations, photographs.


  1. Looks like a good time was had by all! I'd be blaming the headache on the sweet liqueurs -- I believe the worst headache of my life was the gift of a Kahlua bottle, and I've never been able to drink it again :)

  2. The rest of us didn't have a headache so that's why we are blaming the cosmos which the rest of us weren't drinking.

    I couldn't drink Vermouth for 15 years or Tequila for almost as long for similar reasons.

  3. I have never had a 'real' coctail party, but I have always read it is best to just offer a couple of choices on cocktails and then beer and wine.
    I think it would all be about the cocktail party food...wee,tasty tidbits.

  4. Looks like tons of fun ... and some photos should be kept private. LOL. Love the sound of those drinks.

  5. Nothing beats cocktails and girlfriends, particularly with those tunes!!! Sounds like a great night!

  6. It really looks like you ladies had a great time :) Wow, pretty stiff drinks as well, I bet the fruit was a good way to nurse the terrible hangovers the next morning ;)

  7. Only one of us had a terrible hangover the next morning. I am not sure if that was from good luck or good management though.

    JoAnn and Nan, it was a lot of fun!

    Book Gatherer, you are right. It is a pretty much unbeatable combination!

    Beth F, I might keep them for later blackmail purposes! lol

    Caite, we had catered food and it was really good, I just didn't think to take photos until later.

  8. Oh mudslides are not of the good. I didn't have a good experince with those when all of us girls went to a piano bar a few weekends ago. Sounds like everyone had fun!

  9. Good friends,drinks,dancing and food. It sounds like you guys had a great time!

    I'm not much of a drinker and I wondered what was in a White I know.

  10. Rasberry Beret is one of my favorite songs...perfect for singing loudly and dancing. I met Prince once long ago-thankfully, I was not singing off-key to any of his songs at the time but I was drinking. Your cocktails list looks yummy. Too bad about the sore head though.

  11. sounds like it was a fun, let loose evening.

  12. I've had a wintertime version of a white russian made with ice cream...oh my goodness :)

  13. What fun!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out
