Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bookish Quotes/Teaser Tuesday: Shiver from Maggie Stiefvater

So, I know I said that there was going to be no Teaser Tuesday post this week, but then I read this passage last night and changed my mind. Bookish Quotes, Teaser Tuesday, call it what you will!

It also seems like a kind of fitting post for a Valentine's Day as well, because if I met a man who knew to take me to a book store rather than buying flowers, I would be more than happy. Books and maybe chocolate, even better! Of course, that's a big if, but still.
It took me a moment to find my voice, and when I did, I couldn't stop grinning. "OK. Where are we going?" It was cold enough that I knew it had to be close; we couldn't stay out here much longer.

Sam's fingers were laced tightly with mine. "To a Grace-shop first. That's what a gentleman would do."

I giggle, completely unlike me, and Sam laughed because he knew it. I was drunk with Sam. I let him walk down the stark concrete block to The Crooked Shelf, a little independent bookstore; I hadn't been there for a year. It seemed stupid that I hadn't, given how many books I read, but I was just a poor high schooler with a very limited allowance. I got my books from the library.

"This is a Grace-shop, right?" Sam pushed open the door without waiting for my answer. A wonderful wave of new-book smell came rushing out, reminding me immediately of Christmas. My parents always got me books for Christmas. With a melodic ding, the shop door swung shut behind us, and Sam released my hand. "Where to? I'll buy you a book. I know you want one."

I smiled at the stacks, inhaling again. Hundreds of thousands of pages that had never been turned, waiting for me. The shelves were warm, blond wood, piled with spines of every colour. Staff picks were arranged on tables, glossy covers reflecting the light back at me. Behind the little cubby where the cashier sat, ignoring us, stairs covered with rich burgundy carpet led up to worlds unknown. "I could just live here," I said.

Sam watched my face with obvious pleasure. "I remember watching you reading books on the tyre swing. Even in the most stupid weather. Why didn't you read inside when it was so cold?"

My eyes followed the rows and rows of books. "Books are more real when you read them outside."


  1. Shiver is a beautifully written book. That's a great quote!

    1. I liked it. I will definitely be reading the next book in the series.

  2. I really loved this book and that quote is great. I love how he calls the bookstore a Grace-shop!

    1. Yes! That was what I really loved about the quote. To have a guy who knows exactly what kind of shop suits you....bliss!

  3. I forgot all the wonderful quotes about books- my favorite being that books feel more real when read outside. Too bad it's freezing tonight!

    1. I don't read a lot outside, and can't imagine sitting outside in a US winter, but it is a lovely sentiment!

  4. What a wonderful teaser! I tried this book in audio, but just couldn't get into it. I think I am going to try again in print, since I have all three books in the house. I will have to sneak them away from my daughter! Great post today!

    1. Sometimes books just don't work! Try in print and see.

  5. What a perfect scene. That's the kind of guy I want. Sigh...

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