Thursday, May 17, 2012

If I was at Hampton Court Palace today....

If I was lucky enough to be in London today, or indeed anytime between now and the end of September, I would be sure to head to Hampton Court Palace to visit the temporary exhibition, The Wild, The Beautiful and the Damned. The exhibition features the portraits of many of the famous people who lived and played in the court of King Charles II including his numerous mistresses.

I have mentioned before how much I have enjoyed books set during the Restoration period  and to see all those portraits and learn more about the people and the time would be fascinating.

Alas, a trip to London is not about to happen, so instead, I have to make do with this introductory video.

If I was lucky enough to be there during the time when the Palace is holding one of the live Tudor cookery events, I would be hard pressed to pass by without stopping by for a look!


I would be sure to spend some time admiring Henry VIII's astronomical clock too:


Hmmm. Maybe I better set aside two days to spend at Hampton Court Palace.

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