Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Library Loot: 6 May

With the library still closed the only way to borrow books right now is via ebook. The only problem with that for me is that the book stays in the library's app and doesn't join others in my Kindle app and therefore it is easy to forget.

I am hoping not to forget about this one!!

I re-read the first book in this series a couple of weeks ago and loved it. This is another re-read but the books after this will be new to me!

badge-4Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Sharlene from Real Life Reading that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries.


  1. Planning to start that series this year. It's one of my grand-daughter's favourites.

  2. I've enjoyed this series as well, but it has been some time since I've read one.

    1. This is a reread for me Jenclair. I first read the first two booksin this series more than 10 years ago!

  3. Our libraries are still closed too except for ebooks and audiobooks but I'm taking the time to focus on my own books for the most part although I did have to check out one book for my mystery book group meeting. Hope you enjoy your new book!

    1. I should do something about reading my own books. Instead I have bought more!

  4. I've not heard of the series before. Thanks for the update.

    1. It's a series that has been around for years Mystica. I am just revisiting it.

  5. It's a good time to settle down and escape into a series!

  6. Library Loot is back! Ha. I liked this series, but I thought the first book was the strongest. I am determined to become a digital reader. I always look to my physical shelves first.

    1. Not many trips to the library at the moment Beth but I am posting Library Loot when I can.

  7. I am having SUCH a hard time remembering my library ebooks in time to read them. My plan for this upcoming weekend is to do a pretend library trip to my own shelves and pick out maybe three books to read over the course of the week. I'm hoping it'll scratch that library-visit itch AND get me back into reading regularly.

    1. I am glad it's not just me Jenny! I have just had a bit of a panic though. It looks as though our libraries might open again soon and I still have a couple of books to read!
