Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sunday Salon: Historical Fiction Reading Challenge - January stats

This year as part of the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge I am intending to provide some stats after each month and then at the end of the year I will do an overall wrap up for the year. That's the plan anyway. And today I am sharing a few stats about January, so I am sticking to the plan!!

During January, there were 71 reviews shared by 25 participants. Some of you, or more precisely 6 of you, have already shared more than 5 reviews which is amazing! Well done and keep it up!

In terms of the books, there were 66 individual titles reviewed, written by 64 different authors. There were several books that were reviewed multiple times. They were:

The Girl from Paris by Ella Carey - reviewed by both Yvonne at A Darned Good Read and myself

The Man in the Bunkery by Rory Clements - This is the sixth book in the Tom Wilde series and was reviewed at Secret Library Book Blog and also by Cathy at What Cathy Read Next.

The Paris Bookseller by Kerri Maher - This was reviewed by Davida at The Chocolate Lady's Book Blog and by Susan at Reading World. Paris and books! This definitely sounds like my kind of book.

The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray - This was reviewed by Constance at Staircase Wit and at Laura's Review.

The Siren of Sussex by Mimi Matthews -  reviewed by Yvonne at A Darned Good Read and at Laura's Reviews

There were 2 other authors who had more than one book reviewed in January. The first was perennial favourite Georgette Heyer whose books The Toll Gate and The Nonesuch were reviewed at Whatmeread and by Susan at Reading World respectively. Anita at Series Book Lover reviewed The Burning Chamber and The City of Tears both by Kate Mosse. 

It's not too late to join the challenge this year. You can find all the sign up details here and if you have a link to add to the challenge the February Linky can be found here.

Let me know if there is another statistic  that you would be interested in seeing each month.


  1. I gravitate to books with the word Paris in the title. Looks like some worthwhile ones. Happy reading week/1

  2. So many Francophiles! Thanks for highlighting these titles,

    1. France is definitely fertile ground for historical fiction Shelleyrae

  3. I'm like Harvee; I can't seem to stop myself from finding and reading any books that center on Paris. And you have shared several of them here.

    And I love a good historical fiction book...

    1. What's not to love about Paris and books Deb?

  4. I didn't sign up for the Historical fiction challenge because I signed up for so many. That's awesome that so many people are participating. Have a great weekend!

    1. It's not possible to sign up for every challenge. Maybe next year Cindy!

  5. I love statistics and get some of my best reading suggestions from this talented group! Thanks for sharing. It is snowing outside, I forgot to put my car in the garage because they said only one inch, and I am enjoying my Sunday morning procrastination with you.

    1. We are at the otherend of the spectrum! It's hot here right now!

  6. Hi Marg! I love what you did with this post and shared your fellow bloggers' reviews. There are a few on this list that I also still want to read. The Personal Librarian, The Paris Book Seller... The siren of Sussex does catch my attention.

    Okay, let me check out the sign-up details. I tend to read so many historical books it might work perfectly fine with me!

    Have a good week Marg and happy reading!

    Elza Reads

    1. I am in danger of wanting to read everything myself!

  7. So interesting to see what participants are reading this month! Thanks for sharing.

  8. The Personal Librarian and the Siren Sussex are both on my list!

    1. The Siren of Sussex was new to me Heather!

  9. Interesting stats. There seem to be lots of historical fiction books taking place in Paris right now. I just finished one called Until the Leaves Fall in Paris by Sarah Sundin.

    1. There are a lot! And there are always more coming!

  10. I do love a Paris setting. Several of these titles are are on my wish list but none I've yet read. Hopefully someday! I hope you have a great week, Marg.

    1. I am hoping to read one or two of them myself!

  11. My reading is still slow too Vicki!
