Sunday, February 12, 2023

Sunday Salon: Historical Fiction Reading Challenge - January statistics


Last year I started sharing statistics each month for the Historical challenge, and my plan is to continue to do this again this year. I find it interesting to see what are the books that people are reading and reviewing! Having visited most of January's posts, I can tell you that there are some very interesting books being reviewed - unusual times and places, translated fiction and more.

In terms of the books, there were 84 reviews linked up for the challenge, shared by 31 participants. This is 13 more than for the same month last year. There were 80 individual titles reviewed, written by 79 different authors, although 4 books were co-authored and I am never quite sure whether to count those more than once! There were 5 reviewers who reviewed more than 5 books each. Thank you to everyone who shared their links whether it be 9 or just 1.

There were 4 books that were each reviewed twice. The first book was My Father's House by Joseph O'Connor. Based on the reviews at She Reads Novels and What Cathy Read Next, I have requested this book from the library.

The second book to be reviewed twice was Queen of Thieves by Beezy Marsh which was reviewed at The Chocolate Lady's Book Reviews and Laura's Reviews.

The next book to be reviewed twice was Sisters of Castle Leod by Elizabeth Hutchison Bernard. This was reviewed at The Chocolate Lady's Book Reviews and also at A Darn Good Read

The final book which was reviewed twice was The Rose and The Thistle by Laura Frantz, reviewed at A Darn Good Read and at Laura's Reviews

In addition to these authors, there was one author who had more than one book reviewed and that was Agatha Christie. Shellie from Shellie Loves Books reviewed lesser known title Sad Cypress and Laura from Laura's Reviews reviewed Toward's Zero. Both of these bloggers are participating in the Read Christie Challenge.

I wanted to give a personal shout out to Sarah from Belle's Library who reviewed Around the World in 80 days. The theme for my read on a theme bookclub is Book to Screen. I had been debating about which book to read, but as soon as I saw her post I knew that it was time for me to read this Jules Verne classic, especially seeing as I watched the TV series starring David Tennant late last year.

It's not too late to join the 2023 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge. The sign up post is here, and you can find the February linky to add your reviews here.

I am also sharing this post with Sunday Salon, hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.


  1. I think it is very helpful for those of us who like the occasional historical fiction book as well as those who enjoy historical fiction frequently to see what books are being read most often.

    I am curious, too, about what are the most common settings for historical fiction. I would guess that WWII is a common setting.

  2. I really enjoyed the series with David Tennant last year. I can't remember if I've read the book -- it would have been in my teens or twenties, a long time ago!

    1. We enjoyed the series too. So far I am enjoying the book but it is very different Joy!

  3. I enjoy seeing these posts! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. I'd wished I remembered to share my Agatha Christie book review with the challenge last month. We could have boosted her to three.

    I enjoy this posts, so I'm glad you are doing them again this year.

    1. You can still add it to the February linky Mark!

  5. It's interesting to see these statistics about the challenge. I was actually surprised by how varied all our reading is!

  6. I always love seeing these statistics!!
