Saturday, September 02, 2023

Weekend Cooking: What I Baked (In My Kitchen) in August

The first Saturday of the month is when I share all the things that I baked in the previous month and it was a pretty busy baking month, where I go to experiment a little bit!

Creme brulee - well, Robert made them! My husband doesn't really do anything desserty except for a couple of South African ones and Creme Brulee. This was also an opportunity for use our new ramekins which I posted last month.

Polish Honey cake  - I posted about making this cake last week.

Vanilla cake with Russian Butter Cream - I have a couple of different vanilla cakes with different icings that I wanted to try. I made one with German Butter Cream a couple of months ago, but this month I made the Vanilla Cake from Dinner by Nagi Maehashi (which I reviewed here ) which I then covered with Russian Buttercream. I was trying to do three circles of sprinkles as the decoration but it didn't really work

I do seem to be buying more cookbooks at the moment so here are the two that I bought this month, along with a round platter I bought at a garden centre. I went to art exhibitions and saw a red and white resin platter that I really liked but it cost about $400 which was way too much. So then I was looking at Etsy to see if I could get something similar, which then sent me down the path of Italian ceramics. I have ended up with an Italian-ish version which I am happy. Yes, I am aware that this is not red and which check, but never mind. I can't explain  how my brain works at the best of times.

I am sharing this post with Sherry from Sherry's Pickings for her In My Kitchen event.

Weekly meals

Saturday - Spanish Tuna Pasta Bake
Sunday - Spanish Tuna Pasta Bake
Monday - Beef Broccolini and Mushrooms
Tuesday - Chicken Shwarma
Wednesday - Beef Biryani
Thursday - Out for dinner
Friday - Takeaway

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page


  1. Your cakes always look very tempting! I was fascinated by all the varieties of buttercream you documented recently.
    best, mae at

    1. It was an interesting post to put together Mae!

  2. It’s a lovely plate.
    What did you think of the Russian buttercream? It seems like it could be too buttery or too sweet, or both?

    1. I actually really liked it. It wasn't too sweet or buttery. Definitely worth giving it a go Shelleyrae!

  3. You make the prettiest desserts, I love the look of them all but that vanilla cake is a stunning. Bet it was delicious.

  4. Everything looks really delicious but I probably would have enjoyed the creme brulee and the honey cake the best! My honey cakes always come out dry- yours looks like a really good recipe.

  5. I love that platter. I keep buying cookbooks too. AArrgh my poor groaning shelves. Gotta love a bundt cake! Thanks for joining in this month.

  6. was the resin platter from dinosaur designs? I have had my eye on one for years but it is $450! Eek.

  7. I love the look of that Polish honey cake! I do love the idea of baking a cake but I bake them so rarely (More of a bread baker).. and now it's so hot it's hard to imagine switching on the oven :)

  8. I love your honey bundt cake, thinking I will make that one with our own honey. So tempting to buy new cookbooks, and I love your plate.

  9. My cookbook collection is bowing the shelves in the bookcase. I can't bear to part with them though. And your new platter is lovely, lemons are so summery.
