Normally on the last Saturday of the month, I would be sharing the bakes that I made, but I have decided to move that from the last Saturday of each month to the beginning of the next month.There are a couple of reasons. One is that I often find myself making something on the last weekend of the month thinking it is a bit silly that I will have to post about it in a month's time. The other reason is because I want to link up my post with In My Kitchen, hosted at Sherry's Pickings, and you can only link up to that in the first two weeks of each month.
This leads me with a dilemna about what to post today!
If you recall, last week I shared a recipe for Lemon Angel Food Cake, which is a recipe by Mary Berry. One of the components of that cake, is a lemon curd. The recipe makes a lot more than you need which means that I have leftover curd.
This week, I am therefore going to share a recipe for lemon mousse. I originally learned this recipe when I was make an amazing Lemon Mousse Cake through Bake-it Box a few years ago. In that recipe, you make the curd which is one component in the construction of the cake, but then you use the curd as the basis of mousse which is another component in the cake.
The first time I made the Lemon Angel Food Cake, I used the curd to make the mousse as a mid week dessert, and it was delicious, so now I want to share that recipe so that I can find it next time I want to make it.
My intention is to take this to the kids house for dinner on Tuesday afternoon (we have a public holiday on Tuesday) but I am trying to figure out what to do with the lemon mousse. Do I just make individual servings, or one big serve. Do I make some biscuits to have with it? Do I make a biscuit base and then pour the mousse over the top to try and make a different version of lemon mousse cake. So many options!
Lemon Mousse
240ml cold thickened cream
2 tbspn icing sugar
1 tspn vanilla extract
45 ml cold water
1 1/2 tspn gelatine powder
1 1/4 cup (360g) lemon curd
1 tspn lemon extract (optional)
Sprinkle the gelatine powder over the cold water. Whisk to combine and set aside to bloom for 5 minutes.
Beat together the cold cream and icing sugar until medium stiffness. Folder 1/3 of the whipped cream into the lemon curd. Add the vanilla extract and pour the mixture bck into the remaining cream. Mix until halfway incorporated.
Microwave the bloomed gelatine at 10 seecond intervales until it's hot to the touch.
Add a few spoonfuls of the mousse into the hot gelatine and quickly whisk until completely incorporated. Pour the gelatine mixture back into the mousse and whisk
Add a few drops of lemon extract, according to taste and mix (optional)
Pour or pipe into individual ramekins, or one large serving dish.
What would you do with leftover lemon curd?
Saturday - Dinner with family
Sunday - Dinner with family
Monday - Steak, egg and chips
Tuesday - Teriyaki Salmon Stir Fry
Wednesday - Spaghetti Bolognaise
Thursday - Chicken Kiev tray bake
Friday - Takeaway
Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page