Thursday, March 31, 2022

Bookish Quotes: What is Philology?

 A couple of months ago now I read The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (who also has written under the name and really enjoyed it. This is far more fantasy than I normally read, in that the world, place names, language etc are very much imagined as part of the whole story. It's been quite a long time since I have read something this fantastical.

A brief summary is that Maia is the fifth son of a reigning emperor. He has been cast out and is being raised in an obscure, impoverished corner of the empire. When his father and his elder brothers are all killed, Maia suddenly becomes the emperor. He has no idea of rules and rituals or reigning, not everyone is happy that he is now the ruler and he needs to navigate his way through various challenges, not least of which is surviving.

The book is full of interesting characters, and I do intend to read more of the books set in this world.

For today's Bookish Quote, I thought I would share a scene where the emperor is talking to some of the men who were his father's advisers and Maia is mentally admiring a wedding stole that one of them has on display

"Put tactfully," Pashavar said, and for the rest of the time until dinner was announced, Lanthevel and Pashavar told Maia stories of his father, giving him a glimpse, at least, of the man Idra and Vedero and others who had loved him had known. But Maia kept thinking abou the wedding stole, and after the sliced pears in yoghurt were served, he asked Lanthevel, "How did you come by that wedding stole? And - forgive us if this an impolite question, buy why do you hang it in your receiving room?"

"Not impolite at all," Lanthevel said. In fact, he seemed pleased. "Your Serentiy knows that we are a scholar of the University of Ashedro?"

"We did not know," Maia said. "We had understood that scholars mostly remain in the universities."

"True," said Lanthevel, "but our elder brother became a votary of Catheio when he was forty."

"Oh," Maia said.

Lanthevel made a small, ironic nod of acknowledgement. "A scholar may be plucked from his university to sit in the Parliament, but not as a votary. We have found, though, that we are able to continue our studies at least in small ways - and perhaps that makes them more precious to us."

"But what do you study, Lanthevel?" Pashavar interupted. "You'll talk all night and still not have answered the emperor's question."

"Have some more wine, Lord Pashavar," Lanthevel suggested. "Your disposition hasn't mellowed yet."

Pashavar laughed, like a crack of thunder; Maia realisd that these two men were genuinely friends, and they were doing him the honor, and the great kindness, of letting him see their friendship.

"As it happens," Lanthevel said, collecting the attention of the table, "we study neither textiles nor the history of Csedo -our studies are in philology - but a close friend left us the stole as an ulishenathaan, and we treasure it."

"Forgive us again," Maia said, dogged because he was trying not to imagine having one of his mother's embroidered pillows to remember her by, "but what is philology?"

The silence was sharp; Lanthevel's raised eyebrows said he suspected Maia of mockery, and Maia said, "We ask in all sincerity. Our education was somewhat erratic."

"Did you not have tutors?" said Pashavar.

"No, only Setheris," Maia said, realizing too late to catch himself the insult in using his cousin's given name unadorned.

Pashavar snorted."Setheris Nelar must have made the worst teacher the empire has ever seen."

"No, he was a very good teacher, when he could be bothered." Maia bit his lip, appalled, and only then realized that the warm drifting feeling in his head meant that he was beginning to get drunk. Lanthevel's wine was stronger than he thought.

"Yes, but how often could he be bothered?" Pashavar said, with a horrible sharp knowingness in his eyes.

and then a bit later

"And there is a question we have not answered," Lanthevel said."Philology, Serenity, is the study of the origins of words."

"The origins of words?" Maia said.

"We study how languages change," said Lanthevel. "Why a word has one form among the silk favmers of the east and another among the herdsmen of the west. Why some words stay in use from generation to generation, while others are discarded. For example, for we see that you are still dubious, the word 'morhath' is the word for 'sky' that was used in the court of Your Serenity's great-great-great-great-granduncle, Evdrevechelar the Fourteenth. But no one uses it now or even knows its meaning. Our study is to track the course of its disappearance and the emergence of the word that took its place."

"Actually," Orthema said mildly," that's not quite true. We know the word 'morhath' because we heard it used by the Evressai barbarians."

"You did?" said Lanthevel, all but pouncing on him, and Maia became less worried that this was an elaborate joke to discomfit the emperor. For one thing, he didn't believe Orthema would be party to any such joke: for another, Lanthevel had become so intent on extracting details from Orthema that he seemed almost to have fogotten the emperor's existence. Maia bent his head over his plate and listened as Ortema was slowly encouraged to speak, to describe the people he had spent much of his adult life fighting.

Monday, March 28, 2022

This Week....

I'm reading...

I didn't find much time to read at all this week. I started a couple of books but only got to read a few pages of each of them. Hopefully I can make some progress this week.

The first book I started was Moving Pictures by Terry Pratchett which I am reading for March Magics. It only took a couple of pages for me to start smiling. I really should Pratchett more often. The packaging of this particular edition surprised me a little. There is no description at all. Not on inside covers or back covers. Maybe that is a sure sign that you have made it? 

The other book I started was The Codebreakers by Alli Sinclair, the story of Australian code breakers during World War II. I need to finish this as I can't extend my library loan again.

I'm watching.....

Another week of not watching a lot I'm afraid.


Last week was the first time I had worked back in the office for several months. This week I ended up working two days in the office. We have just moved into a new location. It is an existing building that has been reimagined. The spaces and functionality are very impressive. Not enough to convince we mtaht I need to go in more than once a week, or at maybe twice at a stretch.

The highlight of this week was going to see Hamilton on Friday night. We were supposed to go to Sydney last year to see it, but that got cancelled. We already have tickets for May, but I thought that we would put our name into the $10 ticket lottery and we won! And the seats - front row! We will still go again in May, but I think after that I might put our names in again and see if we can get seats again. 

On Saturday night we went to see An American in Paris. Now, I am not sure if we would have enjoyed it more if we hadn't just seen Hamilton, or maybe it just wasn't the right event for us. It was nice, but we didn't love it. 

Posts from the last week

Top Ten Tuesday: Books with Adjectives in the Title

Weekend Cooking: Breakfast Songs

I've linked this post to It's Monday, what are you reading? as hosted by Book Date

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Weekend Cooking: Breakfast songs

I have breakfast on the brain, mainly because we haven't yet had it on thisSaturday morning.  In fact, I think we are going straight to lunch today. So, today, I am sharing songs with a breakfast them.

Let's start with a couple of songs that mention breakfast

Breakfast in America by Supertramp

Followed by Breakfast at Tiffanys by Deep Blue Something

And a song from Australin rock legends Cold Chisel talking about Breakfast at Sweethearts

There are so many things that you can eat for breakfast. You could start with Jack Johnson's Banana Pancakes 

Of course, you could want to put Duffy's Syrup and Honey on top of those pancakes

Or maybe a Bacon Roll is more your style. Mark Knofler may agree with you.

Or maybe you prefer fruit. The Mamas and Papas may suggest so given that's what mamas and papas would suggest right?

You may need to have your coffee black

Especially if there is No Milk Today

Can  you think of other breakfast-y songs?

Weekly meals

Saturday - 
Sunday - Steak with salad
Monday - Lasagne
Tuesday - 
Wednesday - Ratoutille with chipolats
Thursday - Out for dinner
Friday - Out for dinner

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Books with an Adjective in the Title


Welcome to this week's edition of Top Ten Tuesday which is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week the topic is Books with an Adjective in the Title, which was submitted by Nicole @ How to Train a Book Dragon.

Hands up if you had to take a minute to think about what an adjective is. It has been a long time since I was at school. Don't have to think about verbs or nouns but adjectives... I did have to think a little!  I hope I got them right! If I haven't, don't tell me.

I'll start with the two best  books I have read so far this year!!

The Island of Missing Trees by Elif Shafak 

The Beautiful Words by Vanessa McCausland

The Great Passage by Shion Miura

The Gilded Hour by Sara Donati

The Handsome Man's Deluxe Cafe by Alexander McCall Smith

The Little Breton Bistro by Nina George

My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante

The Book of Lost Threads by Tess Evans

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wai by Junot Diaz

The Garden of Happy Endings by Barbara O'Neal

How did you go with this week's prompt?

Monday, March 21, 2022

This week....

 I'm reading...

This week I was lucky to read two really enjoyable books! The first was The Christmas Party by Karen Swan. This is now the third book I have read from this author. She puts out two books out a year. One is always a summer book and the other a winter/Christmas book. I am not sure exactly why but so far I have  only read winter books, and I already know that the next book I am going to read by her will be a winter book, but maybe the one after I will make an effort to read a summer one.

And then I read The Beautiful Words by Vanessa McCausland. Oh my! What a book. I loved itand I can't stop thinking about it. If you love words and books about books, then I highly recommend this book. I am planning to write a review (which is very unusual for me)!

I am still reading Red Sparrow. I am actually struggling with it a bit. It is almost a classic Cold War thriller, although it is set post Cold War. I am going to persevere for a bit longer, unless I get distracted by something else.

I'm watching....

Not much really!


This weekend was our bookclub meeting. This month's theme was Red. Originally my plan was to read Red Sparrow but obviously I didn't finish it, so instead I talked about The Christmas Party. It has a woman in a red dress and font on the cover, and there was a particular theme that caught my attention. The other night I was avoiding going back and doing some work so I made this. I am not great at graphics, and don't pretend to be but I might as well share it right?

Here are the books that the members who were able to attend the meeting read: 

I was so pleased to see that one of the members read The Red Tent. That was really the book that started my blogging journey all those years ago.

The next theme is roads. So it could be a book with a type of road in the title (street, avenue, boulevard, road etc) or about someone making maps or something like that. I did have an idea what I was going to read until I realised that book doesn't actually come out until July so I might need to rethink.

Posts from the last week

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my autumn TBR

Weekend Cooking: Baklava Slice

I've linked this post to It's Monday, what are you reading? as hosted by Book Date

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Weekend Cooking: Baklava Slice

Recently I read The Island of Missing Trees by Elif Shafak. Mae mentioned the book a few months ago and as soon as I read about it I knew that it was my kind of book! And it really was!  I loved it so much and it was my first 5/5 read for the year. I am already planning to read more of Elif Shafak's books.

One of the things that I loved about this book is the way it is a mix of history, mythology, the natural world, all combined to tell the history of Cyprus. Oh, and yes, food. Food plays an important part in the story, and ther

I do have a joint review coming soon, but today I thought I would mention share a passage from the book and an associated recipe.  In this passage we have Ada and her aunt Meryem, who has very definite opinions about food as you will see below:

In the evening, Meryem threw herself into making her favourite dessert - baklava. She ground a whole jar of pistachios, the noise of the food processor so loud it drowned out the howling of the blizzard outside. She prepared the dough from scratch, patting and pounding it between her palms, before covering it and putting it aside for a little 'nap'.

Ada, meanwhile, watched her aunt from where she sat at the end of the table. Her history notebook lay open in front of her. Not exactly to study, but to finish the butterfly she had left incomplete on the last day of school, just before she started screaming.

"Look at you! You're such a good student," chirruped Meryem, flicking a sidelong glance at her niece as she opened the food processor and scooped the contents out on to a plate. "I'm so happy you're doing your homework next to me."

"Well, I didn't have much of a choice, did I?" Ada said wearily. "You kept knocking on the door, asking me to come out."

Meryem giggled. "Of course I did. Otherwise you were going to spend the entire holidays in your bedroom. Not healthy."

"And that baklava is?" Ada couldn't help asking.

"It sure is! Food is a heart of a culture," replied Meryem. "You don't know your ancestor's cuisine, you don't know who you are."

"Well, everybody makes baklava. You can buy it in supermarkets."

"Everyone makes baklava, true, but not everyone succeeds. We Turks make it crispy with roasted pistachios. That's the right way. Greeks use raw walnuts - God knows who gave them that idea. It just ruins the taste."

Amused, Ada rested her chin on the tip of her index finger.

Though smiling still, a shadow crossed Meryem's face She didn't have the heart to tell Ada that for a fleeting moment she had seen Defne in that gesture, so painfully familiar.

Ada saaid, "You make it sound as if we should judge a culture not by its literature or philosophy, just by the baklava."

"Umm, yes."

Now I am sure that Meryem would find the recipe I am about to share a bit sacrilegous but never mind! It is certainly easier than proper baklava and it tastes delicious!  It is a recipe that I have made several times now and it is a big hit in our house. Actually, that's not quite true. It's a big hit with my husband and I. My son is allergic to tree nuts so this is one of the things that he can't have. Before you feel too sorry for him thinking he has a mother who makes things that she knows he can't eat, most of the time he doesn't try what I make anyway!

I originally found this recipe as part of the recipe challenge that used to be run through the Queen Baking Club on Facebook.

Baklava Slice 

1 ½ cups (225g) plain flour
¼ tsp bicarbonate soda
Pinch of salt
¼ tsp cinnamon or Cinnamon Baking Paste
115g unsalted butter, melted
¼ cup (55g) caster sugar
¼ cup (55g) firmly packed, brown sugar
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 tsp orange zest

1/2 cup (60g) pecans, chopped
1/2 cup (60g) walnuts, chopped
1/2 cup (60g) pistachios, chopped
1/3 cup (55g) lightly packed brown sugar
Pinch of ground cloves
Pinch of nutmeg
1 ½ tsp cinnamon or Cinnamon Baking Paste
60g unsalted butter, melted

1/3 cup (120g) honey
3 tbsp (60ml) water
1 tbsp (20ml) fresh orange juice
1 tsp Vanilla Bean Paste


Preheat oven to 180°C (fan forced), grease and line a 26cm x 16cm slice or brownie tin with baking paper.

Combine flour, bicarb, salt & cinnamon in a large bowl. Add melted butter, sugars, vanilla and orange zest, mixing until well combined. Press into prepared tin and bake for 12-15 minutes until evenly golden.


Combine all ingredients and mix well. Spoon over cooked base while it is still warm and bake for an additional 10 minutes until golden and aromatic.


Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan over low-medium heat, simmering for 12-15 minutes or until mixture is thickened. Allow to cool slightly before drizzling over cooked slice.

To serve, cut into triangle pieces with a sharp knife. Makes a delicious treat served with double cream and a cup of tea!

Recipe Notes:

If using Cinnamon Baking Paste, incorporate paste into wet ingredients.

Slice will keep for 3 days in a airtight container.

Weekly meals

Saturday - Mexican Chicken
Sunday - 
Monday - Kebabs, baked potatoes and salad
Tuesday - Pork Chops, mash and broccoli
Wednesday - Chicken Kiev Tray Bake
Thursday - Baked Zucchini, Tomato and Parmesan risotto
Friday - Out for dinner

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Blog Tour: The Postcard from Italy by Angela Petch

World War II? Check.

Dual timeline? Check

Lovely cover? Check.

Set in Paris? Hold on a moment.

Whilst it is true that I tend to be quite Paris-centric in my reading, that doesn't mean that I can't expand my horizons on occasion. And with this novel, it's not even the more usual Italian settings of Rome or Tuscany. This time the majority of the story is set in the region of Puglia in the 'heel' of Italy

The book opens when an when an injured man comes out of a coma. He had been cared for by an old man and his grandson.  The old man is very excited. He believes that the injured man is his grandson Roberto who has been off fighting the war. The grandson, Anto, knows that isn't true, but he doesn't know who the man actually is. What Anto does know is that they need to hide "Roberto" to give him a chance to recover from his injuries.

Anto and his Nonno (grandfather) live a very simple life. They fish and grow their own vegetables and pretty much stick to themselves, and as he recovers Roberto helps them out with these tasks. Anto shows him the secret caves in the coastline and he swims to help recover physically. Roberto has flashes of memory but none of it is enough to help him remember who he really is. 

Whilst Roberto can't remember who he is, Anto has his own reason for staying hidden away from outsiders.  But it is isn't possible to remain hidden forever. After Nonno dies, Roberto goes to work in a nearby restaurant to help supplement their income, and it is here that a chance encounter sheds light on who Roberto really is.

In the modern thread of the story, antiques store owner Susannah is grieving the loss of her beloved father, Frank, six months earlier. She is also having to deal with emptying out her grandmother Elsie's house. Elsie is elderly and suffering from dementia and has recently moved into a nursing home.  It doesn't help that Susanna has always known that she isn't her grandmother's favourite person. She has no idea why Elsie doesn't like her. Just that she doesn't.

Whilst cleaning out the house Susanna comes across an envelope that contains a postcard with a picture on it and a mysterious message. The image on the card matches a painting that has hung on the wall and Susanna is sure that if she can find the location then she can find out what the message was about and who it was from. And maybe, she can get some answers about her own life as well. After all, she can't ask Elsie who gets distressed quite easily and doesn't seem to be making sense if she does answer any questions.

With her loyal friend Maureen looking after the antiques shop, Susanna heads to Italy to see if she can unlock her grandmother's secrets. And if she gets some much needed rest and relaxation and maybe some romance as well that's a bonus.

I really liked how the threads of the two stories came together. As is generally the case if you asked me to choose I would say that the historical part of the story was my favourite, but that is no surprise to me.

Image from Wikipedia

I really enjoyed the book. I was fascinated by the setting of. The author mentioned houses that are called trullo  - round houses with conical roofs and trabucco which are used for fishing, and I found myself googling. Lots of trullo (or trulli for multiple trullos) in the Puglia region are now bed and breakfasts or hotels. It would definitely be a more unusual destination to visit in Italy.  Maybe we will get to go to visit one day.

I hadn't read this author before. In this book, she was inspired by her late uncle who was a rear gunner and died in a plane crash during WWII.  She has four other books set in Tuscany as well as a couple of others. I am definitely planning to keep an eye out for her other books. It's clear that Petch knows and loves Italy. It shines through on the pages.

Oh, and I think that the cover gods were definitely smiling on this book! The cover is lovely. Makes me feel as though I am there instead of sitting at my desk!

Rating: 4/5

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the review copy of this book.

About the book:

Italy, 1945. ‘Where am I?’ The young man wakes, bewildered. He sees olive trees against a bright blue sky. A soft voice soothes him. ‘We saw you fall from your plane. The parachute saved you.’ He remembers nothing of his life, or the war that has torn the world apart… but where does he belong?

England, present day. Antique-shop-owner Susannah wipes away a tear as she tidies her grandmother’s belongings. Elsie’s memories are fading, and every day Susannah feels further away from her only remaining family. But everything changes when she stumbles across a yellowed postcard of a beautiful Italian stone farmhouse, tucked away in Elsie’s dressing table. A message dated from World War 2 speaks of a secret love. Could her grandmother, who never talked about the past, have fallen for someone in Italy all those years ago?

With Elsie unable to answer her questions, Susannah becomes determined to track down the house and find a distraction from her grief. Arriving at what is now a crumbling hotel by the sparkling Italian sea, she feels strangely at home. And after an unexpected encounter with handsome wine waiter Giacomo, she can’t tell if it’s his dark eyes or his offer to help solve her mystery that makes her heart race.

Together they find a dusty chest tucked in a forgotten corner of the building. The white silk of a World War 2 parachute spills out. And the Royal Air Force identity tag nestled in the folds bears a familiar name…

With Giacomo by her side, and before it’s too late for her grandmother, can Susannah discover the truth behind a shocking wartime secret at the heart of her family? Or will it tear her apart?

An absolutely stunning page-turner that will sweep you away to the olive groves and majestic views of the Italian coast. Perfect for fans of Kathryn Hughes, Fiona Valpy and Victoria Hislop.
About the Author:

Published by Bookouture, Angela Petch is an award-winning writer of fiction – and the occasional poem.

Every summer she moves to Tuscany for six months where she and her husband own a renovated watermill which they let out. When not exploring their unspoilt corner of the Apennines, she disappears to her writing desk at the top of a converted stable. In her Italian handbag or hiking rucksack she always makes sure to store a notebook and pen to jot down ideas.

The winter months are spent in Sussex where most of her family live. When Angela’s not helping out with grandchildren, she catches up with writer friends.

Angela’s gripping, WWII, Tuscan novels are published by Bookouture. While her novel, Mavis and Dot, was self-published and tells of the frolics and foibles of two best-friends who live by the seaside. Angela also writes short stories published in Prima and People’s Friend.




Buy Links:

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my Autumn TBR


Welcome to this week's edition of Top Ten Tuesday which is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week the topic is Books On Your Autumn TBR. 

The Christmas Party by Karen Swan - This was actually due back at the library yesterday but I am hoping that I can get through it in a couple of sittings over the next couple of days.

Red Sparrow by Jason Matthews - This is the current Cook the Books choice. It also fits the theme for my book club meeting next week. The theme is red.

Snowy Mountains Cattleman by Alissa Callen - I loved the first book in this series so I am looking forward to this one.

The Vet's Country Holiday by Lily Malone - I loved this author's previous trilogy so I am looking forward to this one.

Moving Pictures by Terry Pratchett - I am reading this for March Magics.

A Marriage of Lions by Elizabeth Chadwick - It's been far too long since I read an EC book. It's time!

10 minutes 38 seconds in this Strange World by Elif Shafak - After loving The Island of Missing Trees recently I am now planning to read more of her books.

The Custard Tart Cafe  by Isabella May - I am reading this for an upcoming blog tour.

Champagne for Breakfast by Maggie Christensen - Having read all of the Granite Springs books, I am not working my way through her other backlist books.

The Tricky Art of Forgiveness by Meredith Jaffe - The Dressmakers of Yarrandarrah was one of my favourite reads of last year so I am very excited to read this.

What's on your TBR list?

Monday, March 14, 2022

This Week....

 I'm reading....

I think I have mentioned before that this year I seem to be reading more books set in Italy. This week it was The Postcard from Italy by Angela Petch which I am reading for a blog tour later this week. This book was set in an area called Puglia, which I don't think I have seen written about before. My review will be up in a couple of days. How gorgeous is that cover?

I also finished reading Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynn Jones for March Magics. It was a lot of fun and I will look for something else to read by her too.

Right now I am reading Red Sparrow by Jason Matthews. This is the current Cook the Books selection. It also happens to be a perfect fit for our read on a theme bookclub this week because the theme is Red. I can't remember the last time I read a spy thriller so that is taking a bit to get used to.

I'm watching.....

I am a bit of a sucker for documentary series about people starting a new life somewhere different. For example, we love watching Escape to the Chateau. We are watching that each week, but this weekend I binge watched Sarah Beeny's New Life in the Country. Sarah, her husband and 4 sons have moved to the country with the dream to build a grand new house and use the former farm they have bought to explore country pursuits. They have tried things like setting up a glamping site, raising llamas, making their own cider and more.


Yesterday we visited the Begonia Festival in Ballarat, which is a gold rush town around an hour or so from home. Weather wise it was a perfect day to wonder around looking a flowers, listening to music, wandering through gardens and more. 

I thought I would post an update about our house. It is starting to take shape now!!

Posts from the last week

Top Ten Tuesday: Books set in Tasmania

I've linked this post to It's Monday, what are you reading? as hosted by Book Date

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sunday Salon: Historical Fiction Reading Challenge - February stats

This year as part of the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge I am intending to provide some stats after each month and then at the end of the year I will do an overall wrap up for the year. That's the plan anyway. And today I am sharing a few stats about February, so two months in I am sticking to the plan!!

During February there were 78 reviews shared by 26 participants. This month 4 of you have shared more than 5 reviews which is amazing! Well done and keep it up! 

In terms of the books, there were 72 individual titles reviewed, written by 67 different authors. There were several books that were reviewed multiple times. They were:

The Silver Wolf by J C Harvey - Reviewed by both Cathy at What Cathy Read Next and Helen at She Reads Novels

The Queen's Lady by Joanna Hickson - This is the second book in the Queens of the Tower series and was reviewed by Helen and by Margaret at BooksPlease.

The Paris Network by Siobhan Curham - Reviewed by Yvonne at A Darn Good Read and Cathy from What Cathy Read Next.

Out Front the Following Sea by Leah Angstman - Reviewed by Yvonne at A Darn Good Read and newcomer to the challenge, Jan at Coffee and Ink.

The Leviathan by Rosie Andrews - Reviewed by Anita at Series Book Lover and Helen at She Reads Novels.

The Lady Tempts an Heir by Harper St. George - Reviewed by Penelope at The Reading Devil and Susan at Reading World.

Other authors to have multiple books reviewed in February include Agatha Christie with 3 individual titles reviewed (including 2 in Italian), and then Jennifer Ryan, Kate Ross, and Maggie O'Farrell each had two titles reviewed.

In addition, to the numbers I mentioned above, Shirley has read 21 books in January and 12 in February, which is a lot of books!

It's not too late to join the challenge this year. You can find all the sign up details here and if you have a link to add to the challenge the March Linky can be found here.