Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sunday Salon: 2023 in review

Welcome to my annual year in review post. I would classify 2023 as a pretty good reading year. Let's see if the stats reflect this!

My Goodreads challenge target for 2023 was 60 books, which I met with ease. I actually completed 71 books which was approximately 22256 pages. This year I have made my challenge total 75 books so that might be a little more challenging. 

Let's take a closer look at the stats

I do tend to read a lot of new books so no surprise to me to see the vast majority of books I read were published in 2023. The oldest book I read was Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne

Once again fiction was the genre that I read the most of, although that is a bit of a catch all for every novel that isn't exactly a romance, could be women's fiction or foodie fiction or whatever. It is also not a surprise to see Historical Fiction right up there either!

As a rule, I don't reread a lot. The only books I reread last year were Hogfather by Terry Pratchett (which has become a bit of a Christmas tradition for me now) and The Secret History of Christmas by Bill Bryson which I listened to, and then listened to again when my husband was in the car with me. Interesting that they were both Christmas related and both audiobooks!

The fact that I read so many new to me authors was a bit of a surprise for me. I think it reflects the blog tours that I participate in more than anything. There were a number of authors who I read more than one book. I read 3 books by Gillian Harvey, Maggie Christensen, Sandy Barker and Siobhan Daiko and then there were 6 authors I read two books from. This is the second year in a row that Maggie Christensen has been one of the authors I have read the most books from. Actually, scrap that. It's actually the third year in a row!!

I mentioned last year that my reading has completely swung around from being predominantly paper based to now being most E-book and I don't see that changing any time soon really

No surprises with this stat either. My reading has long been skewed towards female authors

This is another stat that did surprise me for this year. Last year around 40% of my reads were by Australian authors but this year, I read quite a few more British authors. I think this is being influenced a lot by the blog tours I am participating in.

Back in the day, I would have sourced most of my books from the library but these days I am more likely to either buy books or get them for review.

I am always pretty stingy when it comes to giving out 5/5 grades. The four books I gave top marks to in 2023 were:

The Lost Daughters of Ukraine by Erin Littekin - I hadn't read any WWII fiction set in the Ukraine before (my review)

The Book Binders of Jericho by Pip Williams - I went to hear Pip Williams speak at Melbourne Writers Festival this year which prompted me to read this book. I still need to read Dictionary of Lost Words, hopefully before I go see the play in a couple of months.

Dreaming in French by Vanessa McCausland - I loved this book so much! Haunting and evocative. (my review)

The Little Paris Toyshop by Lauren Westwood - I read this as part of a blog tour and I was blown away by it! (my review)

So there is it 2023 reading year in review!

Previous year in review posts




















  1. Interesting stats. Like you, I read mostly women authors. My most read genre would be mystery. I'm not sure about most of the other stats, however. I'm curious, but not enough to try to figure it out. :)

    1. I record them as I go along so the only thing I have to do for this stats post is to remember how to do graphs!

  2. Love all the reading stats! I find them so interesting!

  3. I am adding Dreaming in French and The Little Paris Toyshop to my wishlist. Both of these would be ideal for Paris in July, I think.

    I love to see what others read and what they focus on in their reading. Seeing your reviews of good historical fiction has encouraged me to read more historical fiction.

    1. So glad we have inspired you to read more historical fiction!

      Both of those books would be great for Paris in July Deb!

  4. I love your graphs! I should start tracking if authors are new to me. I'm betting that I mostly read new authors.

    1. It is always interesting to see the results AJ

  5. Congratulations on a great year of reading!

  6. It looks like you had a good reading year. I love seeing everyone else's yearly posts. I find it interesting to see how similar and different I am from others.

  7. Great summary! Which app do you use for the graphs?

  8. I love looking at other avid readers stats and yours are very interesting! Have a great 2024 in books!

  9. What a great post. I enjoyed seeing your stats and your graphs. I haven't read any of your top rated books, but three are on my wish list. Here's to another great reading year this year!

    1. Same right back at you!! Here's cheers!!
