It’s an old question, but a good one . . . What were your favorite books this year?
List as many as you like … fiction, non-fiction, mystery, romance, science-fiction, business, travel, cookbooks … whatever the category. But, really, we’re all dying to know. What books were the highlight of your reading year in 2007?
I am answering this question a little late because I knew that I had a couple more books to read that I wanted to be able to include if they were outsanding!
In my stats post I mentioned that there were only two books that I would rate as a 5 out of 5 for the year, but that I would change one of those gradings retrospectively. There are 43 books that I would rate as 4.5 out of 5 and 113 that I rated as 4 out of 5. The thing with grading is that it is very much a gut reaction once I finish a book, and so as I look down the list I am finding that there are some very memorable books that I rated a 4, that looking back I would probably grade higher and vice versa. So, this list might not be all my highest graded book, but they are the most memorable reads of 2007 for me. Where I have written the review I have linked to it (included some over at Historical Tapestry), but it will give you some idea of how far behind I am when you see how many links are missing!

Having said all that, the decision as to what the best book I read was in 2007 was easy! It was......
The Arrival by Shaun Tan
The fact that this was a book with no words amazes me completely, but I was just so affected by this book that I can't praise his work enough!
The Honourable Mentions are:
Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade by Diana Gabaldon - I swear this woman could write on the back of a cereal box and I would love it!
Taking Liberties and The Sparks Fly Upwards by Diana Norman - I read two of the three books in this trilogy this year, and really enjoyed them. Diana Norman is now one of my favourite books whether under this name or her other name, Ariana Franklin.
In Death series by J D Robb - I read 5 In Death books this year, and really enjoyed them all.
Josephine B series by Sandra Gulland - I read the whole series this year, and very much enjoyed it. Start with The Many Lives and Secret Sorrows of Josephine B.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak - so good!
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini - a really moving book!
My Best Friends Girl by Dorothy Koomson - I cried, I laughed...I loved it!
The Blood of Flowers by Anita Amirrezvani - such an unusual setting - 17th century Persia
The Welsh Girl by Peter Ho Davies - a Booker long list book - WWII in Wales - really good!
Barbed Wire and Roses by Peter Yeldham - I was blown away by this book, which I first picked up because I loved the cover! A story of what happened to one soldier when the history of a WWI doesn't quite make sense.
The Russian Concubine by Kate Furnivall - another book I picked up because of the cover, and enjoyed immensely.
The Persimmon Tree by Bryce Courtenay - there were major flaws with this book, but it is a cracking good story that has stayed with me!
Where Dreams Begin by Lisa Kleypas - I have been hearing that I should have read Zachary Bronsons story for a while, and I am glad that I finally did.
The Prince Trilogy by Elizabeth Hoyt - one of the best new romance authors I read this year.
Night Play by Sherrilyn Kenyon - Mmmm Vane!